A Guide on How Covid 19 Will Change Our Lifestyle

A Guide on How Covid 19 Will Change Our Lifestyle

The Covid 19 pandemic has already changed everything, right from our personal life to professional life. It has become necessary to follow the social distancing rules, follow health precautions, and avoid unnecessary travel to stop the transmission of the coronavirus. All of these changes were applied within a span of a few days, and they have already impacted major areas like business, health, and education.

The government is continuously trying to put up new rules and regulations that help both the people and the businesses to survive from the vulnerabilities of Covid 19. It might take more than four to five months from now on when everything comes back to normal. Hopefully, the world will resume its lifestyle, but many questions are running in everyone’s mind right now, such as whether things will be the same as before Covid 19? And, how will people behave while shopping, traveling, eating at restaurants, and how the services would change?

In this post, we have arrived with the perspective of how Covid 19 will change our lifestyle in the future. It would also serve as a guide for living a safe and secure lifestyle when everything starts coming back to normal.


EducationEducation systems have already started moving towards online education to keep the students on track of their educational year. It is a great option to avoid the contraction and transmission of coronavirus in students. But after a few months, when the schools will reopen, there will be certain behavioral changes implemented for the safety of both students and teachers.

‘Sharing is caring’; this is the sentence that we teach the children to be socially responsible for everyone’s goodness. But after looking at the effects of the Covid 19 pandemic, we would have to teach them that ‘Not sharing is caring,’ because ultimately everyone has to maintain social distance from each other. It doesn’t mean that students have to stop sharing everything, but they have to be careful while eating their lunch, using their own study materials, and keeping themselves away from unnecessary physical contact.

Following are some of the necessary precautions that school authorities would take to safeguard students and teachers from the risk of coronavirus:

  1. Arranging different school time for the students according to their grade.
  2. Sanitization of students at the entrance. They would also ask students to carry their own hand sanitizer.
  3. Alternate mealtimes for students.
  4. Making classrooms more spacious.
  5. Arranging the classes in shifts to reduce the student’s size at a time


ShoppingShopping for groceries is essential, and people are following necessary precautions to keep themselves safe from the risk of coronavirus. Some of them prefer online shopping as it is more convenient and safe during this outbreak of Covid 19. But have you ever contemplated how people would behave when the malls and showrooms will resume their services or how the showroom owners would apply certain rules while shopping?

If we look from a positive perspective, consumers will enter only those showrooms and malls who follow all the safety rules, such as checking people’s temperature, providing hand sanitizer, disinfecting them, maintaining social distancing rules, and many such things.

On the other hand, when we talk about shop owners, they would allow entrance for only a specific number of customers at a time. They would ask the customers to follow all the safety rules and avoid touching any unnecessary items. The apparel showrooms would keep UV light devices to sterilize or disinfect the clothes after the customer tries them. For payments, online transactions would be mandatory to avoid any contact through cash exchange.

Delivery Services

Delivery ServicesThe delivery services are increasing as more and more people prefer online shopping. Even though online shopping is a great way to avoid social contact, the delivery services still involve a person who comes in contact with you. The e-commerce websites are already taking care of their delivery people and the customers by following all the safety precautions. But it is also necessary for the customers to follow some safety tips.

As the items are already ordered with online payment options, there is no way for cash exchange. Other than that, people can allocate space in front of their homes to keep food parcels. This way, there will be zero-contact between customers and delivery people. If there are orders for non-essential items, people could ask the delivery person to keep it near the watchman’s office by allocating a special place for parcels and later collect them. After bringing the package, people can disinfect it and wash their hands to avoid the risk of coronavirus.


CommutingCommuting is a significant part of everyone’s life, and hence, there will be many changes applied to it. The government has already applied specific rules for using public transports, but people need to follow them strictly. When everything starts coming back to normal, the majority of people would prefer using their private vehicles for commuting.

But for people who don’t have any option other than using public transport, there are safety rules that they can follow. For example,

  1. Share the auto or taxi only with a single person.
  2. Use hand-gloves while traveling.
  3. Avoid sharing any personal belongings.
  4. Keep safe distance while traveling on a bus.

Other than that, the drivers can check the temperature of passengers and allow only those who have a normal temperature. They would also make it mandatory to sanitize the passengers before entering the vehicle. The use of online payment methods would be preferred by both the driver and the passengers.


WorkplaceCurrently, most of the people are working from home. It has become the new normal as people are feeling safe and comfortable at home. But this would not continue for the rest of our lives. There will be a time when offices will resume, and it would be mandatory to work from offices, at least for a few days of a week.

Most of the offices have already started with their work by implementing specific safety measures. We guess those mandatory measures will become a part of everyone’s daily work routine until the Covid 19 totally vanishes from their surroundings.

There would be daily screenings at the office-entrance with the implementation of touchless face-recognition devices to mark employee’s attendance rather than using the biometric machine. Some of the offices would use physical barriers between employees to avoid any possible contact. There would also be certain rules at the lunch counters where people wouldn’t be allowed to share their food with each other. There are also possibilities of timely-shifts to ensure only a limited number of employees are present at a time.


RestaurantsRestaurants have recently been allowed to start, but they need to follow all the safety rules to avoid the spread of coronavirus. Currently, both the people and restaurant owners prefer home delivery and ‘counter pick-up’ options to avoid any risks. But with the coming time, there will be a great transformation in the restaurants.

The waiters or servers would be seen wearing face-masks and hand-gloves. Some of the restaurant owners have also come up with an idea of placing transparent barriers on the table so that the customers would be safe from the contraction of the disease. They would allow only specific customers at a time, and the tables or tools would be placed at a considerable distance.


EventsThere would be a drastic change in the events as most of the people gather in large numbers. Events like weddings, award shows, TV-reality shows, workshops would look different from what they used to look before. The people will be seen wearing masks in the photos, and seating arrangements would be made by maintaining specific distances. Some of the events would be streamed online to avoid mass gatherings.


The Covid 19 pandemic has already changed many things, and it will continue to do so until it totally disappears from our lives. But till that time comes, all of us have to take every precaution to keep ourselves safe. Remember that our future will be created by what we do today. Hence, be optimistic, do every possible thing for your safety, and just hope that the world gets released from the trap of Covid 19.


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